IUPAC name:
CAS No.: 83164-33-4
Application: Diflufenican is a synthetic chemical belonging to the group carboxamide. It acts as residual and foliar herbicide that can be applied pre-emergence and post-emergence. Diflufenican is a contact, selective herbicide used to specifically control some broad leaved weeds, like Stellaria media (Chickweed), Veronica Spp (Speedwell), Viola spp , Geranium spp (Cranesbill) and Laminum spp (Dead nettles). The mode of action of diflufenican is a bleaching action, due to the inhibition of carotenoid biosynthesis, theregy preventing photosynthesis and leading to plant death. The specificity is obtained Diflufenican is approved for use on barley, durum wheat, rye, triticale, wheat.